Hip and Groin Pain
What is Hip and Groin Pain?
Hip pain is a condition that originates from an injury or from a pre-existing condition. Yet, among many cases of hip pain, inflammation of the tendon in the pelvic area is the most common. Hip and groin pain can be related and they can be caused by a variety of muscle or joint problems in your pelvis. Sometimes, hip pain can be construed as lower back pain.
Pain on the hip joint is sometimes caused by sitting frequently in long periods of time, landing your butt clumsily, sports that require too much pelvic movement, a sedentary lifestyle, and arthritis. Hip joints can become achy when they stagnate in a fixed position for a lengthy duration, or when they are being moved repetitiously and uncomfortably.
A groin strain is a relatively common condition characterized by tearing of some or all of the groin muscles. The muscles at the inner aspect of your thigh are known as the adductor muscles (groin). These muscles originate from the pelvis and insert into the inner aspect of the thigh and lower leg bones.
The groin muscles are responsible for stabilizing the pelvis and moving the leg towards the mid-line of the body. They are particularly active during running and kicking. A groin strain commonly occurs due to a sudden contraction of the groin muscles often when they are in a position of stretch. This typically occurs during rapid acceleration while running, particularly when changing direction or when a footballer performs a long kick. They are commonly seen in running sports such as football, hockey and athletics (particularly sprinters, hurdlers, and long jumpers) as well as skiing, horse riding and gymnastics. Groin strains tend to occur more commonly in older athletes and, in particular, after doing a sport without an adequate warm-up.
Groin strains range from a grade 1 to a grade 3 strain and are classified as follows:
- Grade 1 – a small number of muscle fibres are torn resulting in some pain but allowing full function.
- Grade 2 – a significant number of muscle fibres are torn with moderate loss of function.
- Grade 3 – all muscle fibres are ruptured resulting in major loss of function.
Osteopathic Treatments on Hip Pain and Groin Strain
Your osteopath will analyse your lower back and lower limb mobility in order to identify the cause of your pain. Because the hip is the centre of movement between the upper and lower parts of the body, it can easily be stricken by improper control of motions, incorrect posture, and unstable physical exercises.
Treatment and management strategies implemented for hip pain and groin strain are very important as this is an injury that may become chronic if not managed appropriately. Some modalities that your osteopath may include in treatment for this condition include:
- Soft tissue mobilisation
- Stretching
- Muscle energy techniques
- Thermal therapies
- Biomechanical correction / corrective exercises
- Strengthening exercises
- Injury education
- Advice on anti-inflammatory medications
- Dry needling
With appropriate management, patients with minor groin strains can usually recover in 1 to 3 weeks. With larger tears, recovery may take 4 to 6 weeks or longer, depending on the severity. Osteopathy treatment for patients with this condition is vital to hasten the healing process, ensure an optimal outcome, and reduce the likelihood of future recurrence.
For further information or to consult with one of our skilled osteopaths, you can use the Contact Us or Appointment Request buttons at the top or bottom of this page.