Prior to your first osteopathic appointment you may have many questions and wonder what to expect during your consultation.
Firstly, bring along any scans such as X-rays or test results you may have. It’s also a good idea to wear or bring comfortable clothing. Depending on the area being examined and treated, your osteopath may ask you to remove some clothing, however a gown will be provided if this may cause you any discomfort.
During the consultation
To begin your consultation, your osteopath will take a full history and ask questions relating to;
- your current problem and symptoms
- medical history
- medications
- general health and lifestyle
This will be followed by an osteopathic examination to form a diagnosis and discover areas which may require treatment. The assessment may include orthopaedic, neurological, or functional testing based on your condition. We may ask you to perform movements so we can observe and feel for restrictions.
Once a diagnosis has been made, your osteopath will discuss this with you, as well as a treatment plan which is suitable and individualised.
Osteopathic treatment is a hands-on approach, which may involve techniques such as; soft tissue massage, manipulation, mobilisation, and many more! Your osteopath will always ask for your consent before beginning treatment. We combine hands-on therapy with exercise prescription and other advice relevant to your condition.
It can be common to experience some mild discomfort during treatment, as well as for 1-2 days afterwards, but your osteopath will endeavour to make you as comfortable as possible and answer any queries or concerns you may have.